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and their leaders.

Building Beautification

Building Beautification is maintaining the buildings and grounds of an organization, directing staff and overseeing the upkeep of equipment and supplies. Building Managers make sure the building and church grounds are maintained, which entails weekly cleaning schedules as well as determining and scheduling repairs, renovation projects, waste reduction improvements and safety inspections.

Children & Youth

Children & Youth Ministry provides an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Evangelism &


Evangelism ministry is any ministry whose chief aim is to win people to Christ. The Evangelism Ministry Leader implements the church’s involvement in evangelism in the communities, etc.

Outreach ministry is the Church at work, stretching out to meet needs in the wider community. Our daily lives are filled with outreach ministry, whether or not we have a formal role in the Church. As Christians, we engage in outreach by serving the needs of others. The Outreach Leader organizes ,implements and oversees functions and activities outside the church building of people who are in various needs


The Finance Ministry Leader oversees the financial and accounting controls of the Church and is responsible for the financial and accounting functions of the Church. This includes: 


  • recommending policies, procedures, systems and controls over all aspects of finance, accounting and financial reporting, 

  • recommending an annual budget to the Ministries and

  • presenting financial reports to the leaders and board members at during church business meetings. 


Greeting visitors at church is such an important part of the hospitality ministry of the church. Church Greeters form part of the first impression that a visitor receives. Greeting people as they enter the facility is more than a handshake and a smile. It is an opportunity to express God’s love through Christ and help set the tone of the upcoming worship service.


The Hospitality Ministry administers our Christian love, and shows our commitment to Christ Jesus throughout the Body of Christ by serving them in a cordial and cheerful manner. The Hospitality Ministry is to greet members and guest. The leader organizes and plans special events that require food and fellowship as requested.  


Media ministry is an essential part of the church. Effective use of media and technology plays an important role in communicating the gospel in a dynamic way. The Media Ministry Leader sets up all technical functions for the Worship experience through amplified sound, recordings, and Visual presentations.


The purpose of the Music Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship. The Music Leader oversees, organizes and leads the entire music ministry of the church.

New Members

Welcomes new members, teaches new members’ orientation classes and directs them towards the ministry that suits the member best.


Effective corporate and personal prayer ministry is more than spiritual discipline, prayer lists, chains and walks. It's about relationship. The Prayer Ministry Leader organizes and oversees the church prayer ministries.

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