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Join a Small Group. Grow in your walk with Christ.


Increase your knowledge.


I've joined, now what?


Become one.


Train up a child.


Growth Group

Growth Group is where we go over the Sermon from the Previous Sunday. We discuss the message, go over the scriptures, and apply it to our lives.

Held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Growth Group

New Member Classes

New Members' Classes provide an opportunity for fellowship with other individuals who have expressed the desire to join this congregation. Through these classes you will discover the importance of discipleship and growing as a believer through small group sessions. We will provide in depth information about Our mission, vision, values and purpose of Grace Christian Church and explore your spiritual gifts so that you can become connected in Ministry.

New Members

Marriage Ministry

Marriage is God's creation, His design for us to experience relational intimacy and love that mirrors the love relationship Christ has with His followers. Grace Christian places a high value on marriage and provides classes and workshops to help couples navigate the loving yet challenging relationships we share with our spouses.


Every marriage needs help from time to time in navigating the complex issues of life and family. Throughout the year, Our Marriage Ministry Leaders offer specific short-term classes and events designed to help couples address life's challenges with hope and encouragement, from a biblical perspective. 


Parenting Classes

Whatever your stage in parenthood, our parenting classes can help you understand the issues facing today's children and youth; To help you lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ! 

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