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Worship Through Giving



You don’t have to worry about writing your contribution checks during the service, you can instead enjoy your worship experience knowing that you have already given your contributions. Also, if you are not able to attend worship services, you are able to have the benefit of giving online.

Security: We understand that security is very important to you, so be assured that your personal information is managed in a secure environment. All debit/credit card data is transferred through a secure connection with easyTithe and is not stored on our servers.


Give on Sundays during Worship Service.


Text-to-give or use the easyTithe mobile app.


Give from your Laptop or Desktop computer.


Send your gift through the postal service.

Ways of Giving


Through your giving and faithfulness we can continue reaching people in our communities with a real message that God loves us unconditionally. Thank you for helping us to be able to change lives, transform communities, and restore relationships for Jesus Christ. Truly it is more blessed to give than it is to receive, God has even greater things for us to do. With your help we can continue to let our communities and the world know that God is love. If you’re ready to make a difference; if you’re ready to influence the world, this is your opportunity!

Giving During Service.

You can give cash or checks written out to

Grace Christian Church.

Place in one of our envelopes, fill out all info, and mark what you would like to fund. Place your envelope in the offering basket during designated time.


Giving on the Go.

Text "Funds" to 770-741-2122 . You will be prompted to enter the amount and choice of area you would like to fund. If it is your first time, you will be given a link to  to complete a one-time registration to submit your offering.


The easyTithe app is available on Android and iOS device Once you have downloaded the app, you can sign-in or sign-up, then add Grace

Christian Church. Set-up  your card or banking info, then you're all set!


Giving Online.

If it is your first time using our online giving, be sure to fill out the New user registration form.

or for One-time giving, you can use "Quick Give".



If you're away, you can mail your gift to

P.O. Box

Be sure to use a secure envelope.

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